We know that your sales teams’ work time is priceless and your clients expect more guidance from your services: our solutions will increase the productivity of your teams and make your offers even more competitive.
Find the best offer for my client
With our comparator, your offers and those of the competitors are integrated in one unique tool. Find the best offer according your clients’ needs or current contract and create a comparison report. Available for health and life insurance.
Help customers to better understand their contract’s coverage
EB Partners provides reimbursement simulators for BtB and BtC journeys that inform the client or insured person about the benefits including expected out of pockets amounts. These solutions can be connected to your quotation tools and employee / employers portals.
Implementing BtoC digital journeys
Customers want self-services and guidance through relevant content. Our simulators support them in their application journey. These solutions can be integrated into your websites and can be linked to your underwriting tool. Available for health, pension, and savings.